Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Recent Comments on Diet Honored with potatoes and yogurt - not miss it for 3 days Honorable 5kg on

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It is interesting that this method is very old, has already come from the Middle East where even today most often is one of the biggest problems of women. With a little exercise, this type of waxing you can even make your own.
Before I explain what you should do, you should know that this method also eliminated the finest hairs, sodra so there is no need to wait to grow up to a certain length it should wait for the wax waxing .
How do sugar waxing? Reheat in a 250 g container sodra until sugar get dark, add 200 g of honey and two tablespoons of lemon squeezed shoulder, makeup remove from fire and stir until you get to the yellow gold, the density of the resin is like, namely as pastries, in pure leather, put hot cake strips in opposite direction of the hair grow, with new movement with the help of fabric strips remove the cake in terms of hair growth. After waxing, all waste eliminated easily with ordinary warm water
Note: Sugar waxing is recommended for women with sensitive skin, because these natural substances do not cause irritation. The first time so be patient, because it needs little experience to master the movements. Any other time would be more common, easier and faster.
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October 13, 2014
May 1, 2014
May 8, 2014
Recent Comments on Diet Honored with potatoes and yogurt - not miss it for 3 days Honorable 5kg on diet with potatoes and yogurt - not miss it for 3 days on diet Albina 5kg potatoes and yogurt - not miss it for 3 days 5 kg Femina on diet with potatoes and yogurt - 3 days on irfan not miss it 5 kg diet with potatoes and yogurt - not miss it for 3 days 5 kg
This website contains information of a general nature and is intended for educational sodra purposes only. If you have concerns about your health or the health of your child, you should always consult a doctor or other healthcare professional.
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