Over a very bad mood this week. Work delicious, mind always struggle, spinning but do not know how to finish well. Everyday, I wake up to 1, 2h night but still thick nets. Raining, wet and gray monsoon over a month. The house turns the sick, and very sick.
Decide for yourselves rajwap and see the rest done is to throw away all the stuff to make a cake. A cake that never ever do, but do not be corrupted. Because if it is true that more damage was covered too. I need to make a cake for the base which light up.
One new thing that the safety factor with its high can only be sweet breads. Clerk of the folder, then pulled out Recette lemon sweet rolls. But this season has committed 30K / kg, and then to 15K yellow lemon / fruit, it's not going to do if the lemon sweet rolls in the clear orange sweet rolls also nothing less
And it was great !!! The smell of bread butter and cream cheese softened away from the scent of oranges, dark sweetness of the people thanks rajwap to the sweet sour cream orange light becomes just the right level. Software as a bread. Sweet like a donut. Aromatic and sweet like a cake. That's rajwap what makes me ecstatic at this orange bread: x
Part crust - to mold round, diameter 16cm. Ingredients: Bread (bread flour) or multi-purpose flour (all-purposed rajwap flour): 170gr warm milk: 90ml Sugar: 15 grams Men bloom: 3,5gr Butter, melted: 20gr Salt: 1 / 4tsp Eggs: 1/2 The result was stuffed rajwap and annealed powder 1 exactly like the other types of Brioche. See here. Part Human: Ingredients: Orange peel julienne or small cell: 1 result Road: 75gr soft butter: rajwap 30gr Method: Mix the orange peel with sugar. Butter to own. Now my kitchen like an orange aroma that @ _ @ The cream frosting: Material: Creamcheese: rajwap 55gr Sugar icing: 15 grams Orange juice: 1/2 fruit Method: Mark soft spot in the average rajwap speed of the road Tell Creamcheese icing on the beat are followed. For orange juice to beat until the mixture is smooth and thick one. Baking: After finishing powder was incubated 1. Get a bowl of flour. Press the bubbles collapse. Knead the dough a little hands very soft and flexible. Rolled dough into a rectangle, size 15 x 20 scanning melted butter onto the dough. Sprinkle sugar mixture and orange peel, to leave a little of the edge length. Hand tightly roll dough to a 20cm long. Roll dough back and forth several times to the powder stick together. Cut the rolled dough into 6-7 parts, (such as cutting sushi), classified. Incubate 1 hour for the dough to double. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees, 10 minutes. Knead bread egg on your face, baking about 30 minutes until the surface is golden delicious. To get the oven to cool the cake. Now knead bread warm frosting over. Frosting will be absorbed quickly into the crust and creating rajwap a great combination.
Cake quite sweet and fragrant as an orange, better yet bold sweetness is offset immediately by the aromatic sweet sour orange cheese frosting. A bite of his hot right now so the crust is crispy, the warm cake, ice cream is cool and smooth, medium rajwap sweet, medium sweet sour. Honestly, how is done, but the taste has been surprised.
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^ _ ^ Hot dyke's milk cheese bread - sausage December 2, 2014 garlic bread - Garlic bread November rajwap 10, 2014 pretty fat Su September 26, 2014 Strawberry cheesecake August 12, 2014 August 2 orange sauce Beef , 2014 to remember that this
Antoine de Saint Exupéry bacon BBQ Bay over time book Brendan Fraser Brioche bread brownies cake sweet potato bread bread cake cake pan Bun Bun Bun Bo Hue beef pork cheese rajwap choux Story tea time chat residual hard feelings rolls Creamcheese cxcs emotional life wandering rajwap De Fromage dance honey Howard Graham Greene Gadner Little Prince Korea Hanoi IQ test Kazumi Yumoto potato kimchi Meg Ryan Michael Caine Mur Intelligence Multi Grill Vietnamese cuisine European rajwap cuisine Asian cuisine autumn poplar honey One its European Vietnam Nguyen Phong Nha Nam Quiet American Phan Vietnamese Pancake orange piano Quiet American flies fumee standard saumon rajwap Book of late ribs T.Edison theoyeucau smart genius poet bacon Tom Hanks Japan You've got mail series Go Archives Select Month remembered through December 2014 November 2014 September 2014 August 2014 July 2014 June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 August 2013 July 2013
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