Thursday, January 22, 2015

A Tailored Experience

Last week, London hosted a two-day conference on social networks, Social Media World Forum (#SMWF), which are presented by professionals from various industries. Some of the brands that is worth mentioning, torte which are held educational lectures at the conference, Jack Daniel's, ASDA, American Express, Kellogs, torte KLM, Migros and many others. Each of them presented a case study from a certain segment of social services which are currently working.
These were the final words of the presentation Dominic Burch, Head of Social torte Media, who presented the digital efforts of the company ASDA. During the five-year digital travel, ASDA, due to a growing segment of young customers, focused torte on the development of mobile platforms.
ASDA currently experimenting with the introduction of certain functionality of social networks and the implementation of wireless internet in your store. You are experimenting with NFC because they want to interact with consumers, who are in the process of buying, lead to a new level. He said someone from ASDA-ins Department of Consumer Affairs:
When you see that phrase at the bottom of each PowerPoint slides, you know the difference between good and great brand - and make it clear values and principles of operation of the company. Cordell Lawrence, Global Community Manager for Jack Daniel's also explained the ethos of the brand "talk, not sales" and showed us how it is integrated into their digital strategy. By defining "what Jack is" and "as torte Jack did not," came to the very essence of the brand, and this has helped in shaping the content of which is not focused torte on consumers than on the core values of the brand.
Or to paraphrase Cordell torte - to succeed you should not be provocative or blatant content - focus on messages that are important for the brand. Every day, as best you can. 3rd Standing for something means standing apart from the crowd
Marcus Maurer, who works as a Customer & Web Intelligence Manager for Swiss supermarket Migros, presented torte the way you use crowdsourcing to develop their products. Engagement Model that use with your customers continuously increases sales, and this is best seen when they were last summer again started selling retro ice cream - just because these are their customers asked them. These simple actions will help to demystify and make use of social torte media in the best possible way.
Therefore, you do not have to spend time on the design and implementation of excellent torte digital torte activation - you just need to stand up for what you believe in, listen to what people are saying about your company and your brand, engage them and for them to continuously worry. torte
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A Tailored Experience

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