Wednesday, January 29, 2014

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Holiday or Thanksgiving feast is not only a festival or celebration in America. It has ancient roots in Europe and worldwide. In ancient times was a pagan, secular later, and the Catholic Church is infamous because it is not part of God's plan for man's salvation. Christians always giving thanks to God. Not only for their crops, but also for it as part of human life on earth. Today, even in the Church of God sanctify the gifts of the earth, the priest blesses the harvest and the fruits of the earth and work of human hands - says the liturgy, and convened God protect against the elements to fields, meadows, woods and gardens of people, after the harvest is celebrated festive vigil thanks surrender.
Solemn thanksgiving was held in Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Moravia, Austria, Germany, Hungary, France and even in Europe and around the world for a very long time ago. His style and way to celebrate the various given the social and political institutions of individual states. The festivities were held both in ecclesial communion in the context of worship on the occasion of the celebration of thanksgiving for the harvest in temples and churches, which were nicely decorated wreaths and bouquets of various prevajalnik cereals and fruit fields and gardens. Thanksgiving celebrations are celebrated in the villages and urban regions and celebrations include various social cultural and political institutions. The ceremony was doing pretty decoration Harvest wreaths that decorated with ribbons worn by people in costumes regions through the village prevajalnik accompanied by music and singing. "Harvest Fest" is a nice folk art with beautiful customs and traditions typical for our country.
Thanksgiving was offered to God as always thanks for the harvest, for the gifts of fields, meadows, forests, vineyards. In European countries, the holiday season thanks to the waiver prevajalnik celebrate prevajalnik the end of September or in the month of October, when the work on the fields, farmyards, and vineyards.
The emergence of the celebration of the beginning of the 17th century and is attributed to pilgrims from England, who overcame on his way to America a variety of difficulties and hardships. Thanksgiving feast went through many modifications and was ultimately established as a national prevajalnik holiday celebrating America and also the U.S. Constitution. Celebrations associated prevajalnik with the prayers lasted prevajalnik three days.
Harvest festival celebrated annually prevajalnik in Slovakia villages and urban districts. We can be proud of their beauty and diversity. Decoration, cultural events and meeting communities and individuals on a shared Thanksgiving is a valuable habit that we should protect before displacing other modernism. In the past there were also different age groups of people of different faiths prevajalnik and belief in God, or a variety of social and cultural diversity. You should provide us not be an obstacle but a binder so that we can together to celebrate the holidays and festivities so nice and joyful manner, as it is precisely the harvest festival.
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