There was a twitter conversation about the statement (no linguistic!) About post codes from the Department of Communications interspar for the last day! It appears that the Government approved, on Tuesday, the Minister for Communications, interspar Marine and Natural Resources jobs creation system codes in 26 counties. The worrying thing is that people gcaillfaí important names of Townlands around the country (as we here Caorán Hen!)
Minister Break the law! By Language Scheme 2006 - 2009 (pdf) of the Department interspar of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources interspar is right that "the Department will be press releases, contributions issued or required to press releases, interspar is available bilingually on the Department's website and in hard copy. (The appendices attached interspar to press releases list of works eg improved port to receive grants, all details of the Board's appointment, etc.., available in one official language only). " So it seems that the Department broke its own rules as it is in English only issued the press release on this matter! It looks almost forty years in the six counties and they begin with the letters BT (Belfast), although it is involved counties. Seem to think it is a memory of the names of the younger generation going north from post code system set then. The same thing happen to the south? It is not clear at present interspar there is nothing in the current law which obliges the State regarding the use of postal codes and therefore may not be a requirement of the merger or collection interspar of letters and numbers based on Irish or English versions names of the country. The matter is being discussed at various Government over the years by people and organizations, so it is clear that members interspar of the public by proposing the establishment of any new job codes on Irish versions of placenames. They say there is nothing that would per postcode being based on the official version of the Irish placename but was glad no one in the Department of commitment in addition to. Julian from Irish League Cormac heard they found five that there was not favorably whenever they went to some of her Ministers. And government policy choice! Anyway still no announced the detailed information about the layout of the codes will be new jobs but not legally binding at this point to establish or English language version of the names. interspar Government and policy issue than a question of choice existing statutory duties seems. Was mounted parallel to this was to the High Court in connection with car registration numbers (in accordance with "D" instead of "Dublin" such as Dublin or "KY" for Kerry). The High Court ruled that the entire selection was legitimate then the Minister for the Environment at the time when the Judge said O'Hanlon: It was right at the tee, and the Minister for the Environment, a choice they want to make between the both official languages when it was decided that the guide marks for letters of vehicles based on their names drawn from the County and Cities. It is part of the official business of the State were being implemented. In usual, when a law which provides a view of one of the official languages to be haonteanga for any business or businesses interspar throughout the State or in any part of the State is allowed a choice whether it wants to between interspar the two languages. In other words, the State may decide Irish versions of placenames interspar to be used for this purpose but not statutory or constitutional obligation to do so. As we look at the Government's policy on language and heritage to the right confidence to be proud of? So go on to the lobby!
Language Commissioner's report in 2013!
Taking possession of the Strategy?
2014 (18) 04 (4) 03 (7) 02 (5) 01 (2) 2013 (33) 12 (7) 11 (2) 10 (4) Sinn Féin seeking views about the future of the community ... jobs Codes denying interspar inheritance? Negative radical policy at the Department of Protection Movement Soi ... quiet? Gaeltacht kill! 09 (2) 08 (4) 07 (1) 05 (2) 04 (1) 03 (1) 02 (5) 01 (4) 2012 (39) 12 (2) 11 (5) 10 (3) 09 (2) 07 (4) 05 (1) 04 (6) 03 (2) 02 (6) 01 (8) 2011 (55) 12 (4) 11 (8) 10 (1) 09 (3) 08 (1) 07 (4) 06 (5) 05 (2) 04 (4) 03 (7) 02 (13)
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