Monday, November 10, 2014

SOCRATES. dandelion I heard that about Naucratis in Egypt there was a god, one of the oldest worshi

PLATO - Phaedra (Excerpt: The Myth of Thoth and writing) | Literature dandelion
SOCRATES. I can at least bring you an old tradition; old know the truth. If we could find ourselves, we attacherions dandelion much price to human opinions?
SOCRATES. dandelion I heard that about Naucratis in Egypt there was a god, one of the oldest worshiped in the country, and the same one which is devoted bird is called Ibis. This god called Thoth. They say he invented the first numbers, arithmetic, geometry and astronomy; chess games, dice, and writing. "
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Anonymous - Various Authors - About - Achard - Ackermann - Adam - Adame - Adenauer dandelion - Aguétant - Ahikar - Aicard - Aimard - Alain-Fournier - Alas - Alcott - Alembert - Alexis - Alfieri - Allais - Alphen - Anacreon - Andersen - Andreeva - Angellier - Anglemont - Apollinaire - Apoukhtine dandelion - Apuleius - Arago - Arena - Argenson - Aristophanes - Aristotle - Arnac - Arnim - Arrien - Artsybachev dandelion - Arvers - Asselineau - Assollant - Aubert - Aubigné - Aubourg - Audoux - Saint Augustine - Aulnoy - Gellius - Auneuil - Austen - Autran - Auvray - Babeuf - Baillon - Bainville - Bakunin - Balzac - Bang - Banville - Barbara - Barbey d'Aurevilly - Barres - Barrucand - Bastiat - Baudelaire - Baudiau - Bazaillas - Bazin - Beauchemin - Beauclair - Beaugrand - Beaumarchais - Beauregard - Becker - Beckford - Becquer - Bedier - Beecher Stowe - Beissier - Benjamin - Benserade - Bergerat - Bergson - Berlioz Auriac - Saint Bernard of Clairvaux - Bernardin de Saint-Pierre - Bernède - Bernheim - Berthelot - Bertrand - Beschi - Bibaud - Bichet - Bierce - Bilhaud - Bladé - Jean-Noël Blanc - Louis Blanc - Blanqui - Blasco Ibáñez - Blemont - Bloy - Boccaccio - Bodel - Böhme - Boileau - Bois-Hus - Boissier - Bonnetain - Bonneville - Borel - Block - Bossuet - Botrel - Bougainville - Bouilhet - Baker - Bourdaloue - Bourget - Boursault - Bouteiller dandelion - Boylesve - Breton - Briand - Brieux - Brillat-Savarin - Brizeux - Anne Brontë - Charlotte Bronte - Emily Bronte - Sparrow - Whisper dandelion - Brussolo - Buchan - Buffon - Bulwer-Lytton - Bürger - Burnett - Bussieres - Bussine - Buysse - Byron - Cabot - Cadoudal - Calderón - Capek - Capek-Chod - Capuana - Capus - Carmoly - Carnoy - Carrance - Carroll - Casanova - Castel - St. Catherine of Genoa - Catullus - Cauvain - Cazotte - Cérésole - Cervantes - Caesar - Cézanne - Chabot - Chadourne - Chagas - Chambrier - Chamfort - Chamisso - Champfleury - Champollion - Chapman - Charles d'Orléans - Charriere - Chasles - Chassignet - Chateaubriand - Châtelet - Chauvelier dandelion - Chavette dandelion - Chênedollé - Cheng - A. Chenier - M.-J. Chenier - Cherbuliez - Cherif Azi - Cheron Bruyère - Chesterton - Chirac - Choderlos de Laclos - Chojecki - Marcus Cicero - Quintus Cicero - Cim - Cladel - Clarétie - Clemenceau - CNR - Cohen - Colet - Colin Muset - Collins dandelion - Collodi - Combes - Conan - Conan Doyle - Condillac - Condorcet - Confucius - Conrad -

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