Friday, April 17, 2015

Robert Iwaszkiewicz, for friends Roby, is a Polish MEP in the European Parliament.

Archive April 2015 (1) February 2015 (2) January 2015 (6) December 2014 (3) November 2014 (4) October 2014 (6) September 2014 (3) July 2014 (25) June 2014 (20)
Robert Iwaszkiewicz, for friends Roby, is a Polish MEP in the European Parliament.
Roby is a moderate, a righteous man: it was said long ago convinced of the need of a few well-aimed slap back in line for their women and bring them back down to earth. That is, when it takes it takes, right? How to blame him?
And Hitler at the end was not so bad, says Robert: during the Third Reich taxes in Poland were far lower than that now. And by then, I think the good Adolfo was not even aware of the Holocaust, come on.
Farage is bursting with joy: what better companion of the Polish Robert to make the evenings in Strasbourg a little 'more fun, between hunts Muslim, fun raids against the children oyster of David and various pranks?
Peppe says that "those who enter Italy with the barges must be identified, the refugees should be accepted, the other, the 'illegal' sent back where they came from." Finally! Thanks Peppe! You were beginning to leave too much space to Salvini immigration, and it was a bit 'that will not be seen as active once. I was afraid you yourself fading, and with you, the movement was losing ground. But no: you were just planning the next move. I'm happy with this resolute stance, Peppe. I can already hear that the movement takes on a new dimension and takes a new direction. And increasingly resembles a dense, black speck.
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