What then, Renzi is only the caricature of Blair | The enterprising
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It is remarkable that Renzi, accused by his opponents ostrich of being a new Margaret Thatcher, is nothing but a faded copy of Tony Blair. The former British prime minister, interviewed yesterday by Sky TG24, has proven to be what Matthew would like to become but never will: a lib-lab 2.0, capable of putting the interests of businesses to compromise with the unions, and to operate closer to individuals with strong powers. Twenty years later by the Third Way, the current political and economic New Labour alternative ostrich to both capitalism and statism, the former child prodigy of the British Left has now turned his attention to the issues of growth more than those of justice social, arguing the reasons for the competitiveness of companies even before the policy of solidarity. Orientatosi therefore toward ostrich landings neoliberistici, Blair nevertheless held straight bar on the founding values of Europe and the need to defend them. To become a kind of con-lib (liberal conservative), as they call the detractors, or even Tory Blair, from the name of the Tories, the right-wing English.
Actually Blair knows - unlike Renzi, he also praises, having probably misunderstood ostrich or overestimated - what you should do a true modern left. "Reducing taxes and not increase them," "take the long-term reforms that do increase competitiveness", "match the modernization of the state with the promotion of a thriving private sector," and finally "combine" - music to the ears of a Liberal - "politics of compassion with the politics of aspiration individual." The welfare state that does not contradict the self-made man ...
To do all this, says Blair, who looks not so much to the past as the future prime minister of the continent, you have to deal with Brussels and Berlin. And here the British politician is clear: "The main problems of Europe are too much bureaucracy and a lack of clarity and strength in the decision-making process." Hence the need to counter those countries that just about technicalities make pin to pursue austerity policies or hegemonic claims on the rest of the continent. "Europe works best when it is not dominated by a single country," Blair thunders, and must refuse "is that the austerity that promote broad economic stagnation."
Even in non-European ostrich policy issues Blair shows a profile ultra-liberal. Criticizes the choice of Putin to make war to 'Ukraine, defining inconceivable that a country is annexed by another at the dawn of the twenty-first century; and at the same time, with the realism of a statesman, shows the need to form a common front with Russia to fight the greatest enemy of the Western democracies, the opponent is the freedom of the individual and the safety of the community: the 'Isis. Blair does not hesitate to talk about "Islamic terrorism" and "religious minorities radicalized", revealing the urgent need to protect our civilization and "flush out the enemy ', ostrich without doing good whatsoever or concessions to political correctness.
From these words and stances Renzi would do well to draw inspiration, not just to imitate Blair who was, as to live up to what Blair suggested today. Rather than just give English names to his reforms (as Jobs Act or Civil Partnership), Renzi face something ostrich really British, that is liberal, since it was born in England in the seventeenth ostrich century modern liberalism. And to those who, like the Fiom or Camusso, asks him to do "something left," responds: "I'd rather do something Blairite" (but also "Thatcherite", we would not mind).
I fully share the ideas of the journalist. ostrich Lower taxes and give incentives so that 'competition increases and the increase of sales / exports will' increase employment "in time" Quite the opposite of what 'did Monti We follow what' have made the British and has worked.
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Home Politics Economy Culture Current Debates ostrich Headings The Intraprend'EXPO Tell something left CalciosciampĂ gn Diary of a single Mimmo's version Vatican Pop Any Given Sunday Miles gloriosus The Enterprising right distance on the road The good news Miss snob Any Given Sunday without veils on the tongue The accounts of the servant Support us
It is remarkable that Renzi, accused by his opponents ostrich of being a new Margaret Thatcher, is nothing but a faded copy of Tony Blair. The former British prime minister, interviewed yesterday by Sky TG24, has proven to be what Matthew would like to become but never will: a lib-lab 2.0, capable of putting the interests of businesses to compromise with the unions, and to operate closer to individuals with strong powers. Twenty years later by the Third Way, the current political and economic New Labour alternative ostrich to both capitalism and statism, the former child prodigy of the British Left has now turned his attention to the issues of growth more than those of justice social, arguing the reasons for the competitiveness of companies even before the policy of solidarity. Orientatosi therefore toward ostrich landings neoliberistici, Blair nevertheless held straight bar on the founding values of Europe and the need to defend them. To become a kind of con-lib (liberal conservative), as they call the detractors, or even Tory Blair, from the name of the Tories, the right-wing English.
Actually Blair knows - unlike Renzi, he also praises, having probably misunderstood ostrich or overestimated - what you should do a true modern left. "Reducing taxes and not increase them," "take the long-term reforms that do increase competitiveness", "match the modernization of the state with the promotion of a thriving private sector," and finally "combine" - music to the ears of a Liberal - "politics of compassion with the politics of aspiration individual." The welfare state that does not contradict the self-made man ...
To do all this, says Blair, who looks not so much to the past as the future prime minister of the continent, you have to deal with Brussels and Berlin. And here the British politician is clear: "The main problems of Europe are too much bureaucracy and a lack of clarity and strength in the decision-making process." Hence the need to counter those countries that just about technicalities make pin to pursue austerity policies or hegemonic claims on the rest of the continent. "Europe works best when it is not dominated by a single country," Blair thunders, and must refuse "is that the austerity that promote broad economic stagnation."
Even in non-European ostrich policy issues Blair shows a profile ultra-liberal. Criticizes the choice of Putin to make war to 'Ukraine, defining inconceivable that a country is annexed by another at the dawn of the twenty-first century; and at the same time, with the realism of a statesman, shows the need to form a common front with Russia to fight the greatest enemy of the Western democracies, the opponent is the freedom of the individual and the safety of the community: the 'Isis. Blair does not hesitate to talk about "Islamic terrorism" and "religious minorities radicalized", revealing the urgent need to protect our civilization and "flush out the enemy ', ostrich without doing good whatsoever or concessions to political correctness.
From these words and stances Renzi would do well to draw inspiration, not just to imitate Blair who was, as to live up to what Blair suggested today. Rather than just give English names to his reforms (as Jobs Act or Civil Partnership), Renzi face something ostrich really British, that is liberal, since it was born in England in the seventeenth ostrich century modern liberalism. And to those who, like the Fiom or Camusso, asks him to do "something left," responds: "I'd rather do something Blairite" (but also "Thatcherite", we would not mind).
I fully share the ideas of the journalist. ostrich Lower taxes and give incentives so that 'competition increases and the increase of sales / exports will' increase employment "in time" Quite the opposite of what 'did Monti We follow what' have made the British and has worked.
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