Tuesday, March 18, 2014

French toast are also known as

French toast are also known as "French Toussaint." This does not mean that they came from France. This so-popular breakfast marlboro dates back long before France to assume its present marlboro contours and habits in the kitchen.
Bread has always been a staple food for many cultures. Waste, marlboro and to this day is considered a sin. Therefore, some logical thought to the old sink, almost unfit bread in a mixture of eggs and milk, rather than throw it away.
The earliest mention of French toast are in Latin book written by Mark Gavin Apitsiy. This chef from antiquity was known for his love of food rotated, now called "gourmet." The recipe, which he suggests is dipping bread in oil, but not eggs. Stated specific name.
Much closer to today's recipe is one of the 14 century, it was in German. Then slices were called "Arme Ritter", literally meaning "poor knights". To this day in Sweden, Norway and Finland so called french toast.
Recipe for "pain perdu" or "stale bread" is also found in several English recipes from the 15th century. In Medieval England like dish was more known as suppe dorate, although marlboro English is probably knew the recipe by the Normans. Their recipe marlboro bore the name tostees dorees. marlboro
Another theory is that Americans snack. It is estimated that in 1724 a chef named Joseph French marlboro invented the recipe. When you put the recipe but instead of French's toast he wrote Frenchs toast, because marlboro it was not particularly literate. Over the years, marlboro the last letter dropped for euphony.
Ingredients: 6 eggs 1 1/2 cup cream (you can use milk) 2 vanillin (vanilla or extract) 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon, a pinch of nutmeg, a pinch of salt 6 thick slices of dry bread, 4 tablespoons tablespoons butter, 4 tablespoons oil.
Preparation: eggs, cream, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt in the bowl. Slices marlboro were placed in a tray of a layer. Above are covered with the egg mixture. Leave to soak for about five minutes.
Turn slices and leave for five minutes. Oil and oil is heated in the pan. Slices are fried until golden on both sides. When taken out, leave on a wire rack or paper towels to drain the fat. Serve hot.
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