Saturday, November 16, 2013

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Action Plan 2012-2013 EDH Write the.
In addition LD Dezd Komsyalizasyon | Distribution and transport | Production Ptoprens, 8 oktb 2012: Directorate General Electricity of Haiti (EDH Write) inform the general public and especially its kliyantl, its recent launch, Monday 1st oktbdnye the Action Plan 2012-2013, which enskril a kontks that emphasizes return EDH Write to discipline the market, thanks to his strategy set up, and set forth on ranfsman three axis enterprise: 1) Komsyalizasyon 2) Distribution and transport 3) Production. Electricity of Haiti at a time enptan of story. Thanks to the state of emergency declaration in the electricity sector suburbia in Haiti, August 15, 2012, the institution has opportunities to get attention President of the Republic and the Government of the SIP. EDH Write APL already responded to the signing of a DAB Pwotokl unwelcome, 29 August 2012, and Minister of Economy and Finance, the goal of creating a Turnaround Plan, then launch the Action Plan 2012-2013 that , which is f of this year, one of the biggest years in history enterprise. Approved in Konsy Administration 21 September 2012, the Action Plan it is the slman together proposals and need all their EDH Write Direction, but also materyalizasyon vision all employees. It is located on the same axis strategic development and functioning institution: * Komsyalizasyon: that he may return to otonm, and can f money, increase EDH Write extended it. This year, he wants to pass out 4.2 billion suburbia worth of his income reached 9.1 billion gourdes km komsyal. And he f this, EDH Write count: o Increase billing rates from 33% to 54% of installed to last 110,000 against radio-frequency and 450 against tele-home relv endistriyl its customers, and 16 against tele-home relv founis enji them. He will also launch a project pilt and pre-paid account. o Increase recovery rate from 65% to his 95% last: For he ft., and recovery is thanks to smaller 900 million Gourde of 6.2 billion Gourde Credentialing clients with him; treatment with a minimm 43.400 customers today by Active paying. * Distribution and transport: To reach a national kouvti can svi population 24/24, must EDH Write modnize, rehabilitate and expand its electricity network. This year, he wants to increase the number of national diets, from 14 to 18 per day. For him to f this, EDH Write count decreased pt enji technical and non-distributed, from 16% down to 13%, through: o Modnizasyon circuit suburbia 9 and 5 on-station in the area n Metwopolitn of (DAB we walk on all rehabilitation network) o Rehabilitation line transport Plig o Add 126 km network of provinces. * Production: EDH Write Answers efficient and electric suburbia demand enji the country. This year, he hopes to increase his production by 24%. For him to f, it counts: o Increase availability suburbia by installing power 35MW and rehabilitation central tmik I Carrefour, Saint-Marc, and Akay, and central suburbia hydroelectric Pelig (3 year), and karakl suburbia Delije . o Reduce Production kb, while we put the val enjetik local resources, the beets are hydroelectric central rehabilitation. EDH Write ranfse will also kontwl entn them, so it could better control its costs in purchasing enji f. The sense that we also say, the party April 30, 2013, and for the first time since 1986, ending a EDH Write Plan 2013-2016 Direct. This plan will pmt enterprise operating a strategic way. Board determines EDH Write Action Plan this ambitious, it look pwoblm enterprise will face f since more than 20 years. Als, to achieve it, will need EDH Write accompaniment everyone. He invited DJs psonl that he motivated, f prv professionalism in their work, and to pr f face divs situations at all levels. So today, suburbia employees are pr EDH Write to invest their 100%. But all these can not fruit Jef, if the population ayisyn not play mode by him. For EDH Write registered each month, for a value of 750 million pt komsyal Gourde (18 million U.S.). Thus, defiance STI if this situation remains so. Als, as she renewed detminsayon and to work hard for everyone svi, EDH Write ayisyn population requires to accompany him in the fight against fraud and other VL komsyal that prevent EDH Write achieve its goals, and to population service as he would wish FL.
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